Boulima nervosa

Boulimia, voluit ‘boulimia nervosa’ is een eetstoornis waarbij je constant bezig bent met je gewicht en je lichaam. Mensen met deze eetstoornis denken aan bijna niets anders. De stoornis gaat vaak gepaard met hevige eetbuien. Omdat je niet aan wilt komen, probeer je het voedsel kwijt te raken door bijvoorbeeld hevig te sporten. Maar ook op ongezondere manieren, zoals vasten, braken, het gebruik van laxeermiddelen, een klysma of plaspillen.

Boulimia betekent letterlijk ‘honger als een rund’. Het woord ‘nervosa’ geeft aan dat die honger door iets geestelijks ontstaat. De oorzaak is dus niet lichamelijk, maar de gevolgen ervan wel. Als je boulimia hebt, dan heb je meestal een normaal gewicht. Aankomen vind je verschrikkelijk, terwijl je toch regelmatig flinke eetbuien hebt.

Boulimia, voluit ‘boulimia nervosa’ is een eetstoornis waarbij je constant bezig bent met je gewicht en je lichaam. Mensen met deze eetstoornis denken aan bijna niets anders. De stoornis gaat vaak gepaard met hevige eetbuien. Omdat je niet aan wilt komen, probeer je het voedsel kwijt te raken door bijvoorbeeld hevig te sporten. Maar ook op ongezondere manieren, zoals vasten, braken, het gebruik van laxeermiddelen, een klysma of plaspillen.

Boulimia betekent letterlijk ‘honger als een rund’. Het woord ‘nervosa’ geeft aan dat die honger door iets geestelijks ontstaat. De oorzaak is dus niet lichamelijk, maar de gevolgen ervan wel. Als je boulimia hebt, dan heb je meestal een normaal gewicht. Aankomen vind je verschrikkelijk, terwijl je toch regelmatig flinke eetbuien hebt.


Palestine lies between the Mediterranean coast and the Jordan Valley. Its name comes from the people of the Philistines, who have lived in its area since the 12th century BC. It covers the territory of the United Kingdom’s mandate from 1920-1947 . The unfavorable geopolitical location of Palestine in the place where trade routes lead between Africa, Asia and Europe meant that the region was conquered by many peoples, including Egyptians, Hittites, Hebrews, Philistines, Assyrians, Arabs, Ottoman Turks, British and now by the Israelites. In the years 1516 – 1918, Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire. Captured by the Arab-British forces during the First World War, it became the British mandate in 1922. Those in the so-called Balfour’s declarations have announced the transfer of part of this territory to Jews who have lived in the diaspora for centuries. This was opposed to the Arab population living here, among whom anti-Jewish sentiments began to grow. The tragedy of the Holocaust accelerated international efforts to create a Jewish state, which from the end of the 19th century was the main goal of the Zionist movement. For over 50 years, thousands of Jewish settlers were heading to Palestine. In 1947, the United Nations presented a project to divide Palestine into two parts: Jewish and Arabic. On the eve of the expiration of the British mandate, the neighboring Arab states: Egypt, Jordan and Syria attacked the emerging state of Israel. Nevertheless, the Jews defended their territory and even enlarged it. Israel enlarged its territory in relation to the area granted by the United Nations to western Galilee, the western Negev and parts of Jerusalem. In 1967, a six-day war broke out, during which Israel forced a revision of the borders in the Middle East. During the war, whose strategy was elaborated by Mosze Dajan, the Minister of National Defense, Israel occupied the entire Sinai Peninsula up to the Suez Canal, Jordanian West Bank and the Syrian Golan Heights, or the entire territory of Palestine.

Occupied then, the territory occupies to this day despite protests from the international community. In 1979, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank were recognized by the UN as territories occupied by Israel.

Thus, in the shortest way, one can describe the history of Palestine, which from the very beginning was attacked by various nations. It is no different than to talk about the contemporary situation in which Israel is an aggressor and an invader. Israeli supporters for weight control are still reminders of the negotiations at Camp David, which somehow began already in 1993 in Oslo. I think it was a failure on the part of Arafat to reject the efforts of former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. His offer was much more advanced than any since 1948, further than leaders such as Yitzhak Rabin or Shimon Peres were willing to go. Barak was the first prime minister who wanted to recognize an independent Palestinian state. He was ready to change the borders created after 1967, which was also unprecedented. He was ready to redistribute Jerusalem and to share power with the Palestinians on the Temple Mount. What then decided the fiasco of these conversations? It is said that Arafat demanded that Israel grant the right to return to all Palestinians who lived in these areas in 1948. This did not concern many people, but it was about the principle. If he then went for it and some other concessions .. residents of the Middle East could enjoy the room for several years. How different would be the situation in these lands, how many people would save blood. After the collapse of these talks, Barak lost the parliamentary majority and had to agree to new elections, and his successors were no longer willing to make such concessions to Palestine. A few years earlier, in 1979, it was the first meeting at Camp David, on which Egypt and Israel infiltrated. There was also a Palestinian case there. However, on this point the treaty was deliberately formulated in a general way, so that each party could interpret it in a convenient way. The content of the treaty focused on the details of the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Sinai. When the Egyptian side began to push to include certain provisions regarding the autonomy of the West Bank in the treaty, Israel refused to talk because he knew that he would have to reduce the territory for all that he had won in the war in 1967, including East Jerusalem and two hundred Jewish settlements. In 2002, even Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, after initially seeking peace in the Middle East, resigned from presenting his peace proposal at a congress of Arab League ministers. He stated that “Israel behaves aggressively not only against the Palestinian people of the Autonomy, but also checks the racist ideas of apartheid on the Arab, Druze, Circassian and Bedouin minorities, notenjoying civic privileges on an equal footing with Jews. ”
I omit in my article, actions of Hamas and other similar organizations, because these are only individuals on the background of the whole nation, just like orthodox Jews, who proclaim the slogan: “Zionism is Nazism”, “Jews – Israel is extreme opposites” or “Real Jews” they never acknowledge the State of Israel. “The ordinary inhabitants of Palestine, they live in what is daily fear, they are persecuted and locked in camps over which Israeli soldiers watch, they are deprived of any laws. Palestinians face the stones in their hands. They face the best trained and Some of the feeling of helplessness, or maybe for other reasons? … they want to join the terrorist groups, then they blow themselves up in the cities of Israel, they are not suicides, as their media call them. Suicide is an action that aims it is to take your own life, while Palestinian \ “live bombs \” do not work to kill and themselves – but the occupiers, it is not suicide, but an armed operation that is part of the national liberation war. As sheikh Yusufa Qaradawi puts it: “If anyone who defends his land and dies defending its sacred symbols is considered a terrorist, then I want to stand in the first row of terrorists. I pray to Allah that – if it is terrorism – make me live as a terrorist, die as a terrorist and rise from the dead as a terrorist. ” Of course, this does not exhaust the moral evaluation of the Palestinians’ actions: there are military attacks, there are attacks on purely civilian targets. The latter do more harm to the Palestinians than to the Jews. They do not bring them closer to achieving a military advantage, and they take away the only advantage they have – a moral advantage. They have to do something to let the world forget about them and what is happening there. Because if they gave up any action, they would step up all Israel’s support and be more oppressed.


What is sexism? It is a type of discrimination based on gender. That means that people who discriminate someone, talk in another way or treat someone who has another gender in another way. It affects women and girls the most. Men who discriminate women think that women are less worth than men. Somethimes it leads even to sexual herresatment or even rape. Sexism used to be really populair. Women were less to men and they should just sit at home with children and cook for man. Women could not vote or work. They were suppose to sit at home and be less that men. Women and girls wanted to have the same rights  as men. They wanted to work, go to school, have the right to vote. And eventually it worked thanks to al the feminists. But there are still many people who discriminate women.

Sexism is not only discriminating based on gender, but also based on orientation. Many poeple still think that homosexualism is not okay and that it should be forbidden. But these days it is really normal. Just not in all countries and not to everyone.

Why do men (not all of them) discriminate women like that? It is easy, beacuse they think that they are more important in life and they think it should be like old times, when it was normal that women were treated like that.

Now women have the same rights as men, get to go to work and schol, but they still get to be discriminate in ways that they do not even know. Sometimes women get less salary than men, even though their work experience is the same and they did go the same school. This kind of sexism is still very populair these days.

In many countries sexism is still really populair. Where gay people are punished just for their orientation. They can not marry with each other like normal people, beceause they are not normal people according to others.

I hope that it will change soon, because everyone is the way they are and I do not get why they should change. It is not normal that a girl is raped and the raper says that it is her fault because she had sexy cloths on and she wanted it. They think of women as object and they do not have respect voor women. These men are not good people. They abuse women and do not even see how it is their fault. It has to change, because everyone is just the same and it is not our fault that we are women. We are who we are and we deserve to be treated better than that.

I am happy that it does not happen that much anymore. Sexism is forbidden in the most countries and you can be punished if you do it. I think it should be everywhere like that. In France you can even get punishment if you disrespect women in any way. I think that is good. Not every men gets that women deserve to have the same rights as men, but they should. And I am happy to live in country that women actually have the same rights.

Rape and sexual herrastment is the worst thing that I can imagine. If I ever get to have a daughter, I want her to grow up in a community where women are treated like they shoud be. Women and gay people, deserve better than that. If someone loves somebody with the same gender, or even wants to change the gender, they should be able to do that. Why do men and not only men care about it? Nobody is hurting them. They are just being themselves.

I am happy that the world is changing in a good way and I can only hope that it will get only better and that women will have the same rights as men in every country. The world will be so much better this way where everyone gets the same rights.




Why do we itch? – Emma Bryce

1.What triggers itching
D)All of the above

2.When a mosquito bites you, it results in the release of __________, which causes an itching sensation.

3.What other sensations are the nerve cells that transmit itch signals associated with?A)Pain
B)Ticklish sensations

4.What is one of the real-world threats that itching could warn us about?
A)A change in temperature
B)Insect bites

5.True or false: Sometimes itch signals can be misleading, making people feel sensations that don’t exist.

6.Why do you think there are so many things in the world that make us itch?
Because, our organism is made that way. This is a question like “What is a purpose of life?” You can not really answer this in a logical way

7.How do you think researchers could go about finding a treatment—or even a cure—for chronic itching?
They could do more research about it. Now if they know what it is that make us itch, they have to go deeper in it and find some kind of cure.

8.What do you think it is about the itch that so inspired people like Dante to write about it?
It is a thing in our body whitch is normal for us but we actually never think about it. People like him, think about things that may be interessting but we never think about it.


1.According to psychologist Bruce Alexander, what was missing in the experiment where the rat was kept in a cage with nothing but two water bottles, and developed a drug addiction?
A)desirable food
B)a dark area to sleep
C)social interaction
E)A & B
F)C & D

2.According to this video, 20% of US soldiers fighting in the Vietnam war were heroin users. What percentage of them stopped using heroin after returning home from war?

3.According to this video why is diamorphine more potent than heroin that is sold by drug dealers?
Because it is not contaminated by all the stuff drug dealers dilute it with

4.What were the results of putting the drug-laced water bottle in “rat park”?
A)fewer rats used the drugs compulsively
B)none of the rats used the drugs compulsively
C)only certain rats became addicted to the drugs

1.How many lies do we hear every day?
D)Over 200

2.What percentage of our brain’s communication is conscious?

3.Do liars use more first person or third person pronouns?
A)First person
B)Third person
C)Equal ratio

4.Do you notice others behaving strangely when they are lying? What behaviors do you notice?
Yes, they have often problem of looking me staight in my eyes, they say “uhmm” more often and they play with their hands, cloths or hair.

5.Do liars tell simple or more detailed and action-based accounts of events?
B)More detailed and action-based

6.How conscious are you of the types of words you communicate? Do you say “I” or “we” more? Do you use more positive or negative language?
I do not really think about what language I use. I think, that I use “I” more than “we”. I use more negative language but not because I lie, but I am just more used to it.

7.Think about a famous liar in history. Are there any language cues you can use to spot the deception?
Yes, for exemple; negative language, minimal self-reference, simple explantation, convoluted pharsing.

8.Do liars use more positive or negative language?

What would happen if you didn’t sleep? – Claudia Aguirre

1.Losing sleep has been linked to:
A)Increased inflammation
B)High blood pressure
D)All of the above
E)None of the above

2.By the end of Randy Gardner’s experiment, he experienced:
B)Concentration problems
C)Short-term memory problems
D)All of the above

3.How much sleep do adolescents need?
A)5-6 hours
B)9-10 hours
C)7-8 hours
D)12-13 hours
E)2-3 hours

4.Studies show that approximately _____ percent of adolescents are sleep deprived

5.Which substance mentioned in the video builds up and causes ‘sleep pressure’?
E)None of the above

6.Explain how the stimulant caffeine can keep our brain alert.
Caffeine works by blocking adenosine’s receptor pathways

7.Which process is theorized to be critical for sleep’s role in maintaining health?
During our waking hours, our cells are are busy using up our day’s energy sources

8.What are some of the cognitive effects of sleeplessness?
learning, memory, mood and reaction time are affected

Why do we dream? – Amy Adkins

1.Humans have discovered the definitive reason that we have dreams.

2.Known as The Father of Psychoanalysis, this doctor’s theory of dreaming holds that the images in our dreams have symbolic meanings which relate to our subconscious wishes.
Carl Jung
B)Wilhelm Reich
C)Sigmund Freud
D)Hermann Rorschach
E)Alfred Adler

3.The “Continuation Activation Theory” of dreams holds that you dream in order to:
A)Keep your brain active when sensory input is low
B)Figure out difficult problems from the day before
C)All of the above
D)Remember important things in the morning
E)None of the above

4.Keeping your fight or flight instincts sharp is one of the reasons we dream, according to which theory?
A)Continual Activation Theory
B)Primitive Instinct Rehearsal Theory
C)Reverse Learning Theory
D)None of the above
E)The Committee of Sleep Theory

5.According to the results of one research study, a person will be able to get through a 3D virtual maze the fastest on their second attempt at it if they:
A)Take a nap but don’t dream anything between their first and second attempts at getting through the 3D maze
B)Think very hard about the 3D maze between their first and second attempts at getting through it
C)Think of something entirely different between their first and second attempts at getting through the 3D maze
D)Take a nap and dream about the 3D maze between the first and second attempt at getting through it

6.Why is it so difficult to come up with a single, definitive theory about why we dream?
Because we can not prove it. Dreaming is something personal and it is something that your brain does, so it is not something what you can not find out why we actually dream.

7.Which theory (or theories) of dreaming do you believe is the best explanation for why we dream? Please explain why you think so.
I think that there are more reasons than just 1 why we dream. I mean, it is for sure to fullfill our wishes, but not only that. I do not think we want any of our nightmares to become real. In our dreams are things that we do in real life, coming back. I think it is also to keep our brain work. I do not know why we dream, but i think there are many reasons.

1. How many % says the myth we are using?

2.How many science teachers believe the myth?
A)Not even one
C)nearly half
D)every science teacher

3.Who was William James?
A)father of American philosophy
B)father of American psyhology
C)father of French philosphy
D)father of French psyhology
E)none of the above

4.How were the parts of our brain that we do not use according to the myth?
A)Useless parts
B)shy slice
C)silence areas
D)quiet fragment

5. How much does a human brain weight?

6. On a per weight basis, humans pack in more neurons than any other species.

7.Where are we using the parts of brain that according to the myth we do not use?
E)all of above

8.Where is cooking good for?
Cooked food is rendered soft and predigested outside of the body. Our guts more easily absorb its energy.  Cooking frees up time and provides more energy than if we ate food stuffs raw and so we can sustain brains with 86 bilion denesely packed neurons.

9.What is spars coding?
Letting just a small proportion of cells signal at any one time.

10. Do we use more or less than 10% of our brain?
C)we use exactly 10%

Do animals have language? – Michele Bishop

1.How do crabs let each other know, they are healthy?
A)They have theire own language
B)They wave their claws at each other
C)They jump at each other
D)None of the above

2.Where are fish using chromathophores for?
A)Scare others of
B)Atacking other fish
C)Catching food

3.To answer the question or the animals have a language, we can look at four specific qualities that are often associated with language. Which of the qualities is not one of them?
C)Social interaction

4. Crabs and cuttlefish have a language

5.Which of the qualities are bees using?
E)None of above
F)All of above

6.Prairie dogs have some kind of language, where can they communicate about?
Their alarm calls indicate the predetor’s size, shape, speed and even for human predetors, what the person is wearing and if he is carrying a gun.

7. How many signs does Coco understand?
B)Around 500
C)More than 1000
D)More than 1500

8.Where are dolphins use whistles for? To identify:
E)All of above

9.Can dolphins understand some grammer?
C)They did not say anything about it in the video

10.Which animal can use all 4 qualities?
D)All above
E)None animal can use all of them



project 4

Are refugees terrorists?
We all know what is happening now in Europe. Most of us are scared for more attacks by people from ISIS. Many people died already because of terrorist attacks by terrorists who are pretending to be refugees! They are trying to scare us and they want to have power over the whole world. And if what we are doing now is not going to change, it will be worse.

We know refugees as people who want to be helped because it is not safe in their country because of the war, but let’s be honest; we also know that most of terrorist attacks are because of the IS and as we know people from IS are the terrorists, who are pretending to be refugees. We are scared in our own country and that is not how it should be. We should feel save and not be scared.

Most of refugees are men, but is that not a little weird? I mean, most of men have a wife and children in their country, if they would be good people who are just running from the war, they would not let alone their family in their country, of course I am not talking about all of them, but I do not believe that so much men have lost their family. We should help women with children in the first place and not just let anyone in our country.

We are the ones who let them in our country and now we see all the consequences of this. It was better if we have stopped it right away after the first attack by IS in Europe, but we did not. We let our people be scared and help refugees with not enough control and that is why terrorists came so easily in all those countries. IS told us really clear that people who work with hem are already in Europe and they are “refugees” and they are going to attack us! And they did, even more than once. So we should not be surprised.

If you all want to help them, you should just help them in the war so they do not need to run anymore. Because only cowards run away and leave their family in a war zone, but in this situation, terrorists are the cowards.

We can not let it go on. All the terrorists attacks were done by people from for example Syria. These terrorists should be fighting for their country because the is war there and not kill other people in our countries and want to change others people religion. What kind of people are they? They only get money, houses and food from us but we get nothing but attacks back. In the countries which did not take the refugees in their country, are no attacks. I think we all understand why.

If we do not want to have terrorists in our country, we should control refugees better. A lot of refugees come to our country with a lot of money, with weapons and that kind of things. Of course, we can help refugees, but if we want to be safe, we have to be able to see the difference between terrorists and real refugees.

The conclusion is that I think that not all terrorists are refugees but a lot of terrorists are pretending they are refugees. We have to feel safe in our own country and not let them scare us and let them have power over the whole world, because that is what they want. We have to be more assertive so we can help people who actually need help and send away terrorists to their own country.

project 3

Hello, the movies I will talk about are: the boy in the striped pyjamas, defiance and fury. The theme I chose is second World War.  I chose it because I think it is very interesting and I  like the theme of the second world war because these movies are showing you how it was and what these people had pass through.

– First movie I watched is „The boy in the striped pyjamas” and I have seen this movie a lot of Times already because it is a beautiful story about friendship between 2 boys who should never see each other or talk  to each other or even know each other.  Father of the germans boy is one of the Germans soldiers. The second boy in the movie is a Jew and he is in is the concetration camp. When Jews boys dad is gone the German boy decides to help him and he digs a hole in the ground and he pretends he is a Jew in the concentration camp. When they have to go to the gas chamber to take a shower (atleast that is what thye thought) they are killed by the German soldiers.

-The second movie is „Defiance” it is a true story and it is a beautiful sory about surviving. It is about 2 brothers who are helping hundreds of people to survive. They are hiding for years during the second World War in woods. They are running and fighting against the Germans. People fell in love, made friends and build a new life there. Many of them survived the hole second World War including the 2 brothers who after the World War worked together for 30 years. One of the brohers found during the war love of his life.

-Last movie is „Fury”. This is also a little bit about friendship and of course surviving. When one of the crew members dies, Norman comes, he is a new member and the members do not really like each other in the beginning because Norman is in the beginning afraid to kill the enemy. When they are lerning him how to get used to it cause it is the reality it is getting better between them. Their band is getting stronger. They all do lot of horrible things to survive but at the end Norman is the hero and he is the only one who survived.

-If you comperis the movies „fury” and „defiance” then you can see that the biggest comparis is surviving. „The boy in the striped pyjamas” is actually different. It is about forbidden friendship. A big comparis is these movies is also courage. In all of them they all had to be really brave to do some things. I think that the 3 movies are completly different but all of them are showing us a little bit piece of the second World War. It was a horrible time for all these people and these movies are showing us a little bit how it was but the truth is that we can not even emagine how hard is must be, not even if we have so much movies and books about it.


The brave new world

Day 1:
 Today we got copied book from our teacher. It is called “The brave new world”. It was written in 1932 by Aldous Huxley. The book is about the world in 632 years and how the author thinks it is got to be. The world in the book is like utopia. They are trying to have perfect world without feelings, family, love and stuff like that. We have to do a presentation about one thing in the book. The presentation has to be about 2-3 minuts. When I got the book, I started to read the first chapter. The book was really difficult. I could not understand it all first. So I read it couple of times to understand it better.

Day 2
Today we did not much. We could read the book or work on the iPad or in the grammar books. Most of us chose to read in the book. I also decided to read the book. I red 2 chapters. I red how they are making humans in the brave new world. I know now that humans are in the bottle for 267 days in a factory. There was not much going on. Just how the babies are made and i read also about shocks to hate flowers and books. Flowers because in the brave new world, nature is not something that you can actually love, nature is free and it is good for the economy. Books because they do not have to be highly educated and books is just wasting your time in the brave new wolrd.

Day 3
Today we did the same, we read and we could also work again in the grammar books or do grammar exercises on the iPad. I decided to read in the book so I do not have to read so much at home. I got to chapter 5 this day. It was really hard for me to understand the book so I made notes and then I figured it out what the meanin is of much things. I got to the moment when they work themselves into a frenzy of exultation and the ceremony ends in a sex orgy that leaves Bernard feeling more isolated than ever.

Day 4
Today we had to choos our subject for the presentation. I actually had no idea what I am going to choos because I did not even understand the book well. Our teacher said that there is a subject that nobody want to chose; sex. I tought it was an easy subject because there is a lot in the book about sex so I chose sex. Also we may not read in the class anymore. So we had to read at home. I did not read a lot today because I had to prepare my presentation. But I have read couple of pages. I got to the moment when Bernard is no longer proud and rebellious that the Director’s threat has become a reality. Instead, the news crushes and frightens him. Lenina persuades him to take soma.

Day 5
We could not read anymore, so we coulds start with our presentation or make grammar exercies on the iPad or grammar books. I started with my presentation because it was a lot of work. I had to do a presentation about sex so I looked for information about it because I did not really understood the book very well, so I had to look for it on the internet. I found a lot of informations but I did only use things that I recognize from the book. I also had to compare real world and the brave new world. That was not hard because you can see the difference without any problems. I read today at home a little bit. I have read that Bernard asked John if he would like to go to London with him and John wanted to take Lenina with them and Bernard promissed to take them both to London with him.

Day 6
I am almost done with reading the book, so I decided to do a little bit of grammar exercises to practice for the test. The day when we were going to do our presentations was really close, we did not have much time anymore. But I was not so nervous like I was last year. I prepared myself enough so I hoped it will be not so bad. I also had to read the book out. So at home I have read it almost out. I got to the moment when one twin points to Linda’s body and asks John or Linda dead is. John pushes him to the floor and rushes out of the ward. I was shocked when I read it. I had 2 chapters left so it was almost the end and I felt like I was actually there.

Day 7
Today I worked on my presentation because it had to be almost done. So I started wyth making a prezi. We had to finish the book today, so I read it out. I did not expect it. John did not save his mom and when he awakes the next day, he remembers everything like a horror. Having read about the “orgy of atonement” in the papers, a swarm of visitors descends on John’s lighthouse, discovering that he has hanged himself. It was really unexpected end for me.

Day 8
Today we had our presentations. Not everyone of course but a lot of people. We did not start well. Our teacher was not really satisfied about the first presentations. If I have to be honest, I was not really stressed or something like that. I mean, it is just a presentation that takes not more than 3 minuts, and everyone have to do it. So I had to do my presentation today. I talked really fast (I always do it when I have to do a presentation) and I forgot couple of things to say, but it was not so bad actually. It could be wors. Our teacher said that I have a past. Not really good, but it will be a past so I actually was happy because my presentations are never going well. I also had prepared myself this time good enough. First presentations did not go well but the next ones were a lot better actually.

Day 9
I did not have the stress that I can be chosen, because I did it last lesson. Much people were sick when we had to do the presentations so we finished today because we did not have really much people. Today it was a lot better than the last lesson, most of us had prepared them selfs and they did everything really great. I will not judge because I had also just a 6 so it could always be better.

Day 10
We did not have any presentations anymore to do, so we prepared ourselfs to the big grammar test. We worked in the green grammer books and we did grammar exercies on the iPad. It is a lot of work because it is a lot if grammar to learn so we worked really hard this day. Well, we are done with project 2 so project 3 is comming!

Music was me first love.


In this project we will analyze 10 songs which are old but still popular.. We have to figure out what is so special about it and why are people still listening to these songs.

These are the songs that I will write about:

-Led Zeppelin: Straiway to Heaven

– Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody

-The Rolling Stones: Paint it black

-John Lennon: Imagine

-Dolly Parton: Jolene

-The Beatles: Let it be

-Dire Straits: Money for nothing

– Red Hot Chili Peppers, Californication

-Simon and Garfunkel: The boxer

-Donovan: Universal soldier


Led Zeppelin: Stairway to heaven

“Stairway to Heaven” is a song by the English rock band Led Zeppelin, released in late 1971. I think that the song has been written about a woman that can get everything what she wants. I mean, she is “buying a stairway to heaven”, so actually she can get everything with money, but I do not think that you can buy everything what you want. I guess the song is also written about that you can chose. Do you want to live like this woman, who thinks that you can buy everyting (stairway to heaven), or do you want to live like a person who do not care about the money and chose the way where you deserve to be in heaven and you can be there without money.

the question

What is it that gives this song a unique quality that sets it apart from thousand of other songs that will be forgotten and never heard of again?

The song is very specific. You can interpret it in many ways. But the most important is that every way has something special. And what also different is about it is that the song has three sections.

Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody

“Bohemian Rhapsody” is a song by the British rock band Queen. It was written by Freddie Mercury for the band in 1975. He says in this song that he have killed a man, but i think that he means that he killed him self inside, his soul. You can hear “life had just begun, but now i’ve gone and trown it all away”. So actually he has trown away his life, right? I guess he did something in his life that killed him inside. He lost his life so he can not see any good things in his life. He did not have any hope anymore. You can hear that nothing really matters to him. Well, that makes sense if his soul is actually dead. But what could it be? Why did he want to kill his own soul? Well as we know, Freddie Mercury had AIDS and in this song he sings that nobody loves im. So who knows? Mabey people did not want to be in a reletionship with him because of AIDS. But what did he meat with “Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth.”? What truth? Well, i guess he did mean that he had to leave them all behind cause he thought about his life and his life makes no sens to him. So “the truth” is the death i guess.

the question

What is it that gives this song a unique quality that sets it apart from thousand of other songs that will be forgotten and never heard of again?

This song is really calm and then it is fast and really, there happens just really much, if you do not listen to the lyrics, you will never say that the lyrics is kind of creepy. The author sings that he killed a man and he wants to die. It is special because if you hear it once, you will not forget it because of music and what i alrealy said, the lyrics which is really special.

The Rolling Stones: Paint it black

“Paint It Black”  is a song by the English rock band The Rolling Stones first and released as a single on 6 May 1966. As we can hear/read, author wants to paint everything black. Well, I do not think that it is author but mabey someone that he knows/knew. Let’s say that it is about a man who has depression. Why would he have depression? The answer is easy. He sees everything in black and does not see any colors. Color is happiness I guess, so I think that he does not have any hapinness in his life. He does see everything in darkness, people turn their heads and quickly look away, that means that people do not want to see the reality and they do not want to see the darkness. Well I do not know or the man where the song is about really had/have depression, but I think that he did see the world in darkness and he only saw the reality and he did not want to have any hope cause he does not see “happy end”. Cause there is no happy end in the darkness.

the question

What is it that gives this song a unique quality that sets it apart from thousand of other songs that will be forgotten and never heard of again?

You will not forget it because it kind of is happy song (the music) and the lyrics is just about that he is depressed. It is kind of calm and then out of nowhere it is fast and it seems be a song where the author is happy but he sees everything in darkness etc.

John Lennon: Imagine

“Imagine” is a song written and performed by the English musician John Lennon in 1971. Here, we really start to think, and imagine how it will be without any wars. Imagine there is no heaven and imagine there is no hell. If there is no hell and no heaven, then there can not be a God or something like that. Most of the wars is about countries and about religion. And religion is of coure about God. If there will not be any religions, there will be so much less wars. We also have to imagine that there are no countires and what I already said; most of the wars is also about countries. If there are no countries, where do you want to fight for? If for exemple England and Germany want to “fight” than there are 2 contries that will have a war because of these 2 countries, but if there are no countries, then there is nothing to kill or die for. Imagine all the people sharing the world. Imagine how the world could be perfect, if people would really share the world with each other. There is enough place for everyone, why is everyone care only about the money and how big them country is? Imagine how different the world could without any wars. There would not be hunger or innocent people which are dying for the country. Imagine all the people are living life in peace.

the question

What is it that gives this song a unique quality that sets it apart from thousand of other songs that will be forgotten and never heard of again?

This song is really special and I think we all know why. It is a kind of anthem of peace in the world. We start to imagine how the world would be. This kind of lyrisc I have never heard before. The author is trying to show us that the world could be better in some ways.

Dolly Parton: Jolene
“Jolene” is a song written by American country music artist Dolly Parton. It was released in October 1973. Dolly is singing here to another woman named Jolene. She is begging Jolene to not take her man. She thinks that Jolene is so perfect that her husband would leave her for someone else. I think that feminists really hate this song, because she is begging another woman of not taking her man. So she is showing her weakness. But women should support each other and not be “afraid” of other woman. If he does really love her, he will never leave her for “Jolene”.

the question

What is it that gives this song a unique quality that sets it apart from thousand of other songs that will be forgotten and never heard of again?

I guess I will never forget this song beacause of the way she is singing and beacause of what the song means to feminists. I also heard this song in acoustic version and it is just perfect. If you will hear the song once, it will stay in your head and you want to listen it again and again.

The Beatles: Let it be
Let It Be is the 12th and final studio album by English rock band the Beatles. It was released on 8 May 1970. The song says that you just have to let everything be. I guess the author means that you have to let it be beacause it will dissolves itself. When you get trouble, you have just to let it be cause life learns us that sometimes even when it gets hard and you want to change it, it only gets worst. But it is not always like this of course. Sometimes you have to change something if it is bad. So if that really is the meaning of this song, then I am not agree with this, cause you can not ignore everything what happens around you. But sometimes, you have to actually let it be how it is.

the question

What is it that gives this song a unique quality that sets it apart from thousand of other songs that will be forgotten and never heard of again?

The music here is just perfect. They got here perfect ton of the voice. I also like the lyrics, I do not know or I do like the meaning but the lyrics of this song (if you are not looking for the meaning) is pretty nice.

Dire Straits: Money for nothing
“Money for Nothing” is a single by British rock band Dire Straits, taken from their 1985 studio album Brothers in Arms. The band is singing about that people get money for nothing. They have everything, girls, travelling, big houses etc and they are not doing anything for that. You also hear in the song that they are singing that they should learn to play on gitar etc and then they would do nothing either (and they would get money). But it’s funny that a band which is popular is singing about them self actually, cause they do not have to work hard or something.

the question

What is it that gives this song a unique quality that sets it apart from thousand of other songs that will be forgotten and never heard of again?

They are singing about men that do nothing and get money. They do not to work hard and have more much money than people that really work hard and have much less money. Also the music in the background is really good.

Red Hot Chili Peppers, Californication
Californication is the 7th studio album by American rock band Red Chil Papers. It was relased  on June 8, 1999. It is about that people want to live in USA. They think that everything what is in USA is the best and that you can do everything there. People think that everything what there happens is impossible. First unicorn is born there, first porn etc. People think that not only  everything but also everyone is perfect there. “Pay your surgeon very well to break the spell of aging” but we do not realize that not everyone has so much money and perfect life. Not everything what we can see in the movie is true. If you are on a vacation there, seems it perfect, but if you would have to live there, is it something really else than vacation. But people do not realize that.

the question

What is it that gives this song a unique quality that sets it apart from thousand of other songs that will be forgotten and never heard of again?

The author is sining about “Californication”. It is about that people want to live in the USA but he also sings about what the effects are because of that. I have never heard a song like this before. You know, there are so much songs about love or whatever but this song is about something else. That is why i will remember this song.

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Californication [Official Music Video]

Simon and Garfunkel: The boxer

“The Boxer” is a song by the American music duo Simon & Garfunkel from their 5th studio album, Bridge over Troubled Water (1970). The song is about the reality I guess. He sings about his lonlieness and about real life in New York when he left his home. So actually he sings about his problems. He sings that he is just a poor boy and he has squandered his resistance. He actually descripes his world when he left home. The streets were dirty and his whole life was “dirty”. On the end of the song he is singing about the boxer which despite the effects of “every glove that laid him down or cut him till he cried out”, still perseveres.


the question

What is it that gives this song a unique quality that sets it apart from thousand of other songs that will be forgotten and never heard of again?

I think that the song is really touching. He is singing about how his life been on the street actually. And it was really hard i guess. I just can not imagine how hard it could be, in this song he discribes it and he sings how hard it actually can be. But on the end he gives you also kind of motivation.

Donovan: Universal soldier
“Universal Soldier” is a song written and recorded by Canadian singer-songwriter Buffy Sainte-Marie. The song was originally released on Sainte-Marie’s debut album It’s My Way! in 1964. It is about a soldier who is every soldier actually. I think the author describes all soldiers as 1 person. Every soldier is just so different but they all have 1 thing that is the same. Every soldier also is fighting for his country and does his best to makes his (and other people’s) country better. I do not really can understand this song, but the song really is beautifull and the meaning that i think is right, is just so touching. All soldiers did help us. We are all so thankfull for them, they died to make our world better, and all soldiers are still dying us. All wars that we had, we will never could make it without them. We all should be thankfull for fighting for country.

the question

What is it that gives this song a unique quality that sets it apart from thousand of other songs that will be forgotten and never heard of again?

And again a song which i choos is touching. We realize that we could not make it whitout them all. Maybe our country woul not even exist without soldiers. We all should be thankfull and we realize that when we are listening to this song, that makes it special.

The food hospital episodes

The Food Hospital Season 2 Episode 2

symptons are: hyperactivity, impusivity, difficult concentration.
5% of schoolchildren in Uk does have ADHD
In unhealthy food you can find: E110, E122, E104, E129, E102, E124. These are things that make ADHD more intensify.If you have ADHD then you schould not eat much of sugar and fat things

Some people lose their hair in patches,the others lose all the head and body hair.
You have to eat much carbohydrates
a third fruits and vegetables
10-15% protein
10-15% dairy
never more than 5-7% sugar and fat.
Zrzut ekranu 2016-01-21 o 00.11.26

Maryn is a fruiterian
If you are fruitarian than your diet is eating only fruits.
Maryn eats 50 fruits at one day.
His diet is acctualy not so healthy as you think,because he don’t have al. The nutrients.
81% of his diet is jus sugar.
Zrzut ekranu 2016-01-21 o 00.13.09

The Food Hospital Season 2 Episode 3

Acne is a skin big skin problem that devastated the lives of thousands of young adults.Acne can be painfull sometimes.
Acne is a virus.85% of teenagers and young adults is depended on the presence of androgens.
Insuline stimulate the production of androgens.
Less insuline=less acne
Zrzut ekranu 2016-01-21 o 00.10.27

She drinks 6L cola at day. She drinks cola because she is tired dan most of the time tirsy. Charlote is eating only crisp and sugar snacks at her work. She do not drink sany water.Charlotte’s body is made 50% of fat and that is from all the sugar which is in cola.
Zrzut ekranu 2016-01-20 o 23.11.52